Bullseye BingoTM

Take aim at big profits with this popular variation on the bingo theme. Opaque cover sheet masks numbers and removes easily. Large, bold numbers are easy to read, and never smear. Players keep coming back for more because of the exciting sense of intrigue and mystery this game creates.

Bullseye BingoTM is available in five vibrant colors: red, purple, orange, green, and blue.

How to play: Before the regular bingo session begins, the bingo caller calls up to 48 numbers and posts them on the flashboard. Cards are sold right up until it's time to play Bullseye BingoTM. A player who has a cover-all in 48 numbers or less wins the jackpot prize. If no one wins in 48 numbers, additional numbers are called until a player has a cover-all, in which case the consolation prize is awarded.

Available in:
1 ON Loose
1 ON Padded
3 ON Vertical-Loose

Available in 1-9 A-Line series.  Other series available on a custom order basis.

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