ONs: Number of individual bingo faces per sheet.
1 Set (all one color): One complete series of 9,000 bingo faces.
Number of booklets per set: 9,000 divided by the number of ONs.
UPs/ Collated bingo paper books: Booklets containing any number
of our various colored sheets, any cut.
Number of UPs: Number of sheets in a collated booklet.
Total faces per collated set: 9,000 multiplied by the number of UPs.
Faces per book: Cut style (ONs) multiplied by the number of UPs.
Case paper: A complete series of 9,000 faces using any cut (ONs) all
of the same color.
For example...
To determine the total number of bingo faces in a 6 ON, 10UP collation,
you take 9,000 (number of faces for each color) multiplied by 10 colors
per booklet, which equals 90,000 faces.
To determine the total number of booklets for a 6 ON, 10UP collation, you
divide 9,000 by 6 ON (number of faces per sheet), which equals 1,500 booklets.