New Maxim Vending Features Now Available!

American Games has some very exciting news!

For the past few months, we have been working behind the scenes on adding some great, new features to our Maxim Pull Tab Vending Machines.

On Monday, April 17th, these new features will be available to the public for the first time!

We have added flashing LED lights to help attract players attention to the machine, helping your organzations sell more tickets! These LED lights have 5 programmable settings, allowing your customer to choose how the flash sequence (slow flashing, fast flashing, random sequence, always on, or always off).

Additionally, we’ve added another industry first feature! Our new Maxim machine now has the ability to DOWNLOAD reports to a computer! Organizations can now track their sales electronically, helping to cut down on paperwork and add additional accountability.

No other machine in the market can do this!

​The Maxim promotional video is available for download here

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